An ADU Can Bring a 15x Return on Investment

Accessory Dwelling Units can bring a 15x return on investment over a 30-year period. Meaning, that a $100,000 investment can turn into $1.5 million in revenue.

Plus, adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit to your property dramatically increases your property value.
What would you do with an additional $20,000-40,000 a year?

Average Rent per Month:

San Francisco: $3,552
San Diego: $1,887
Los Angeles: $1,730
Portland: $1,472
Austin: $1,294

Los Angeles Accessory Dwelling Units help homeowners maximize their property through the construction of a granny flat (accessory dwelling unit). Whether you’re trying to keep family close, or looking for financial security Los Angeles Tiny Homes helps you get there. Los Angeles Tiny Homes connects homeowners education that makes planning simpler, research more pleasant, and construction more efficient. We can recommend vetted professionals like general contractors, architects and lenders as well as one-on-one guidance as your project progresses.

Getting Started

So you’ve decided that now is the time to just do it. You’ve thought about doing it forever, made idea boards, fantasized about the potential financial benefits, but now you’re serious; you are going to build an accessory dwelling unit. Now what?

Many homeowners are excited about building an ADU but aren’t sure where to start. Schedule a call with a project strategist who can help you evaluate your project and give you actionable steps to support you. You’ll finish feeling more confident about achieving this financially savvy investment.
What is an ADU?

Exist on a single family property
Contain a living space, bathroom and kitchen
Are significantly smaller than the main house
Come in several structural forms

ADU’s are becoming more popular options for smart homeowners looking to maximize their properties.

Los Angeles Accessory Dwelling Units

There are a lot of reasons why the ADU movement is taking off in Los Angeles. In a state where rents and housing prices are extremely high, many young professionals and older adults like the idea of the savings a smaller house offers.

Since some accessory dwelling units are usually registered as either RV’s or mobile homes, they are exempt from many of the taxes and regulations of standard homes. Plus, there is the versatility of these small abodes. With less living space, that means less house to maintain. Many people love the flexibility of being able to travel and not being tied down to a large house.

Whether it is the savings a small home offers or the flexibility they provide, ADU dwellers are enjoying life unencumbered – and that is a benefit many are enjoying.
Benefits of ADU Living in Los Angeles

No one gives up the luxury of a full size house without experiencing some benefits. As the ADU craze sweeps through Los Angeles, many are realizing the benefits of scaling back their lifestyles – and their homes.

They are environmentally friendly: many accessory dwelling units sport solar panels, rain water systems and other environmentally conscience amenities. This can lower a homeowners impact on the world considerably, making it a great option for the environmentally conscience homeowner.

They use less energy: the smaller the home, the less energy it is going to use

They are easier to clean: who wouldn’t love to clean their entire house in less than an hour? Many Los Angeles ADU’s take even less time

They take little maintenance: one of the biggest stresses on a homeowner is the ongoing maintenance a large home requires. Accessory Dwelling Units make upkeep simple and easy.

Deciding Where to Plant Your ADU in Los Angeles

There is a lot of freedom to owning an ADU in Los Angeles; but there are also some rules and regulations that homeowners need to be aware of. First, many cities do not permit ADU’s unless they comply with standard building codes and size requirements. This means that ADU’s in larger urban areas must be built on a foundation; be more than 500 square feet in size; and have all systems inspected by a city inspector or codes enforcement officer. In some areas, accessory dwelling units can be placed in the backyard of an existing home if it will be used primarily as an in-home office; in-law suite or guest house.

More rural areas of Los Angeles tend to a bit more ADU friendly than urban areas, but may still have restrictions. It is always best to check with your local zoning office before planning to place an accessory dwelling unit on an existing lot or property.

Consider asking local zoning offices about installing ADU’s in cities across California such as:

Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Diego
San Jose

We Build and Sell ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS that are built to Federal and Local Code only!

Some Tiny Homes as seen on TV are actually Park Model RV’ and less than 400 sq ft , built to an RV code and are NOT allowed as a full time residence on the majority of properties in California.

We do not sell these units.

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